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Utility Tabs

This module will add several information tabs to a layout. Each tab will output information related to your server, WordPress installation and page or post

Modules require the Divi Module Importer plugin or the Divi Module Builder plugin (adds the ability to modify modules). Once either plugin is installed, modules can be easily imported and will become instantly available within the Divi Builder on any layout.

The Utility Tabs module is a handy plugin for WordPress admins and developers. The module adds several information tabs, each displaying information related to PHP, WordPress, and the current page or post that the module is added to. This is especially handy if you do not have access to FTP or Cpanel for a particular site. Even if you do have access, the tabs below will save you time creating custom functions to display system information:

  • PHP Info – PHP version, memory limit and memory usage.
  • Public CPTs – List of registered post types that are public.
  • Non-Public CPTs – List of registered post types that are not public.
  • Taxonomies – List of registered taxonomies.
  • Image Sizes – List of registered image sizes.
  • Custom Fields – List of custom fields for the current page/post.

If you would like to see additional information tabs added to this module, please let us know in the comments below.

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