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FINALLY, an easy way to display posts using the portfolio module!

Portfolio Posts Pro Features

The pro version of the Portfolio Posts plugin adds some great new features compared to the free version. Click on any of the buttons above to view the new features. Here are some screenshots of the custom modules you’ll find in the Page Builder:


Update: Version 1.1 of this plugin adds three new features:

  • Option to add the post excerpt
  • Set the number of characters to limit the excerpt and option to display read more link
  • Option to change the URL using a custom field

The post excerpt is assigned the class post-excerpt if you need to target it for CSS.

There are two options in addition to the default settings to move the carousel arrows so they do not interfere with the post excerpt:

  • Top
  • Push to left/right

If neither of these options work for you, add a class or ID to the module and then you can target the arrows for that module and add your own CSS in your stylesheet or the Divi epanel:

#my-id .et-pb-arrow-prev, #my-id .et-pb-arrow-next {
top: 10%;

#my-id:hover .et-pb-arrow-prev, #my-id:hover .et-pb-arrow-next {
top: 10%;

To use the Custom URL option, make sure the option is turned on for that module. A new box will appear asking for the Custom Field name. Type in any name you like. For my demo, I used my_custom_url. Save & Exit.

Now we need to edit the post to add the custom field. Edit one of your post and scroll down to the Custom Fields section. Click on the Enter New link and assign your name and value. In the demo below, I edited Sample Post Six, adding the custom field my_custom_field and assigned the value

Below are demos of these new features:

Custom URLs

Sample Post Six

Sample Post Six

Fusce arcu urna, volutpat quis massa lobortis, cursus pulvinar lectus. Quisque eleifend ex rhoncus tristique finibus. Donec tempus, ... read more

Sample Post Five

Sample Post Five

Curabitur accumsan at erat eu tincidunt. Nulla sed accumsan erat. Ut lacus ipsum, sodales quis nunc nec, pharetra porttitor leo. ... read more

Sample Post Four

Sample Post Four

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam dui eros, dignissim quis risus nec, ... read more

Sample Post Three

Sample Post Three

Nunc aliquet hendrerit ipsum in faucibus. Donec sodales ut libero vitae commodo. Vivamus non elit blandit, rutrum nulla vitae, ... read more

Sample Post Two

Sample Post Two

Cras ligula est, interdum nec magna et, sagittis tristique odio. Morbi congue libero in arcu consequat semper nec quis neque. Ut ante ... read more

Sample Post One

Sample Post One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec auctor enim. Donec pretium, ligula quis auctor blandit, risus diam ... read more

Custom Post Types

Update: Version 1.2 of this plugin adds support for custom post types. This allows you to include any post type, including WooCommerce Products!! Below is a demo of this feature. The testimonials below were created using another plugin called Easy Testimonials, which create testimonials as a custom post type.

And here are some screenshots of how this was created. You can see a new option in the module “Post Type” and “testimonials” are now available in this option. Below that option, you can see in the second screenshot that I have two testimonial categories and have both of them selected:

Custom Fields

Update: Version 1.3 of this plugin adds support for custom fields. This allows you to display any custom field from a post or custom post type. Below is a demo of this feature. Custom fields were added to each of the posts below. Within the module, I added each custom field name I wanted to display. I also added the labels I wanted applied to each custom field.

In the example below, I added the following custom field -> custom field labels to the module:

  • company_name -> Name ➥ 
  • company_address -> Address =
  • company_city_state -> City/State
  • company_zip -> Zipcode is
Sample Post Two

Sample Post Two

Name ➥ ABC Company

Address = 1020 Hwy 65

City - Denver, CO

Zipcode is 77118

Sample Post One

Sample Post One

Name ➥ Acme Inc.

Address = 100 Main St.

City - New York, NY

Zipcode is 10012

  • If you do not see the custom fields option after updating the plugin or have problems, delete your browser’s cache and try again.

And here are some screenshots of how this was created. In the first screenshot, I have gone into “Sample Post Two” and added custom fields.

In the second screenshot you can see a new option in the module “Show Custom Fields” and once selected, the Custom Field Names and Custom Field Labels input boxes are revealed. To display a single custom field, simply enter the custom field name in the “Custom Field Names” box. To display more than one custom field, separate each field with commas.

You then have the option to assign each custom field a label. If you choose to leave the label box empty, the plugin will use the custom field name, capitalizing the first letter and replacing the underscore with an empty space. “company_name” would become “Company name – “. There are two important things to remember if you decide to use your own labels:

  1. You must add your own separator and spaces. For example, in the screenshot below you notice that each label has text, followed by a space, followed by a symbol, followed by another space and then a comma. Without the separator and spaces, the label and custom field value would all run together when displayed.
  2. The number of labels MUST match the number of names in the field above, otherwise the plugin wouldn’t know which field label to match with which field. Count your commas. The same amount of commas should be in both input boxes. If not, the plugin will default back to using the field names as the labels, applying the same rules as described above.

Tip: You can see from the screenshot that the first label symbol in the example was created using an HTML entity code, which produces an arrow. You can use other entity codes or simple symbols like a dash or equal sign.

Custom Query Option

We’ve included a Custom Query option within the module. Turning this option on will give you the ability to create any complex query you want using a filter. Click here for more information and examples.

FINALLY, an easy way to display posts using the portfolio module!

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