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Using the Divi Font Icons Anywhere

Using the Divi Font Icons Anywhere

Divi comes with a free set of very useful icons installed as a font set.The icons are available in many of the Divi Modules including a dedicated Icon module. But these icons can be placed anywhere on your website without using a module. They’re already installed in...
Change Divi Projects URL – Permalink

Change Divi Projects URL – Permalink

The Divi theme includes a custom post type called “Projects”. These projects make it easy to add and organize portfolio type content on your website without having to use posts and the post categories and tags. Projects come with their own taxonomies...
Divi & WordPress Thumbnail Images

Divi & WordPress Thumbnail Images

Are you having a hard time understanding why some of the images you upload to your website work and display correctly in Divi and WordPress but others do not? Are you confused about how WordPress and Divi thumbnail images are created? Maybe you’re here because...
Divi Easy Digital Downloads Plugin

Divi Easy Digital Downloads Plugin

Divi Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Display Options for Downloads DOWNLOAD DISPLAY DOWNLOADS The Divi Easy Digital Downloads plugin adds several modules to the Divi theme and builder, giving you more visual control to display downloads and download pages on your...
Canonical Tags

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are added to your website to provide search and indexing data to search engines. Not every page needs to have a canonical tag, but some people do prefer to add them to every page as a precaution. In this article we’ll explain: What are canonical...
SEO Blog Writing Tools and Best Practices

SEO Blog Writing Tools and Best Practices

Struggling to write with SEO in mind? Not a problem. All you need are great SEO blog writing tools to write amazing content that drives organic traffic and adds value for your target audience. That’s why our SEO team relies on SEMRush. Their SEO tools take the...

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