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Scrolling Image Grid

This module will display a grid of images from posts that will vertically scroll each image when hovered on.

Modules require the Divi Module Importer plugin or the Divi Module Builder plugin (adds the ability to modify modules). Once either plugin is installed, modules can be easily imported and will become instantly available within the Divi Builder on any layout.

The Scrolling Image Grid module will display a grid of featured images from posts. When each image is hovered, it will vertically scroll down the image. Included module options:

  • Categories
  • Image Container Height
  • Scroll Down Speed
  • Scroll Up Speed
  • Box Shadow

You can adjust the height of the visible portion of the image for short or tall images. Each grid item is clickable and will open the post URL. You can adjust the speed of the up and down image scroll. And you can easily remove the layered box shadow. We have also created a single Scrolling Image custom module.

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