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The Divi FilterGrid plugin makes it easy to display your posts and custom post types in a filterable, searchable grid in Divi. The plugin uses CSS Grid to display the results into a four-column grid by default, with the ability to easily change the number of columns from within the module’s Design tab.

CSS Grid is also used in the plugin to display the elements within each grid item (featured image, title, meta, etc.). By default each element is placed in a single-column layout and stacked vertically in its own row. A common request we hear is “How can I force the Read More button to stick to the bottom of each grid item?”.

Before CSS Grid, this would require using absolute positioning which has drawbacks. With CSS Grid, it can be achieved with a single line of CSS that will depend on how many elements you are displaying in each grid item.

In the screenshot above, each grid items has five rows: featured image, title, meta, excerpt and the Read More button. We use the following CSS Grid shorthand rule to tell each row to only consume as much vertical space as needed for the content to fit:

.dp-dfg-layout-grid .dp-dfg-item { grid-auto-rows: min-content; }

To push the Read More button to the bottom and move the white space above the button, we simply need to tell the row ABOVE the button to consume as much available vertical space as possible. We can achieve this by applying the following CSS Grid rule to your Divi child theme or the Divi -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS section:

.dp-dfg-layout-grid .dp-dfg-item { grid-auto-rows: auto auto auto 1fr auto; }

Here we are telling the first three rows and last row to only consume as much vertical space as needed using auto. The fourth row is set to consume as much available vertical space as possible using 1fr.

If you prefer to add your CSS directly in the module, you can add the following to the Divi FilterGrid’s Advanced tab -> Custom CSS -> Post Item Container section:

grid-auto-rows: auto auto auto 1fr auto;

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