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DP Blog Portfolio

The DP Blog Portfolio module is similar to the default Portfolio module available in Divi, except it works on any custom post type and has several additional options. You can display posts or custom post types in a grid, fullwidth layout, or top to bottom list layout. The following options are available in the DP Blog Portfolio module.


CUSTOM QUERY – Each module has the capability of displaying results from a custom query you can add to your functions.php file using a filter. Please click here to view more information about how to use this option.

POST NUMBER – Limit the number of post results displayed in the layout per page.

OFFSET NUMBER – Use this option if you would like to skip a post. In other words, if you set the value of this option to 3 and display posts in order of most recent to oldest, the three most recent posts will be skipped in the results.

ORDER BY – Order posts by date, title, slug or in random order.

ORDER – Order your posts in Ascending (most recent, alphabetical) or Descending (oldest, reverse alphabetical) order.

CUSTOM POST TYPE NAME – This is a checklist of post types that you have available on your website. You will always have Posts and Projects available, as these are default Custom Post Types (CPTs) included in WordPress and Divi. If you have any other CPTs (products, events, testimonials) they will also be available in this checklist. Once a CPT is checked, all categories for that CPT will be checked in the Categories list. You can avoid this by leaving the CPT unchecked and simply clicking only the categories you want to add in the Categories checklist.

* If you do not see a CPT in the checklist that should be available, click on the “Refresh Post Types and Categories” button. This will update the list to show any recently added CPTs and categories.

CATEGORIES – This is a checklist of categories from each CPT available on your website. We have also add the CPT name in parenthesis behind each category in case you have several CPTs with the same category name. If you would like to display every category, you can click the associated CPT in the Custom Post Type Name checklist. This will select all categories for that CPT. If there are several categories you want to remove, you can then simply uncheck them. You can also leave the CPT unchecked and click a handful of categories for that CPT. The associated CPT will automatically get checked.

INCLUDE/EXCLUDE TAXONOMY – This option is used to control which taxonomy the Include Tags and Exclude Tags options will be applied to. By default, the tags will be applied to the post_tag. If you would like to exclude project tags, you can type project_tag in this option. Now the Include Tags and Exclude Tags options will be applied to project tags instead of post tags.

INCLUDE TAGS – This option applies to the post_tag taxonomy by default, but can apply to any taxonomy by adding it to the Include/Exclude Taxonomy option above. Enter a single tag slug or a comma separated list of tag slugs. All posts in the categories above AND WITH these tags will load. Leave empty if you only want to filter using the categories above.

EXCLUDE TAGS – This option applies to the post_tag taxonomy by default, but can apply to any taxonomy by adding it to the Include/Exclude Taxonomy option above.Enter a single tag slug or a comma separated list of tag slugs. All posts in the categories above AND WITHOUT these tags will load. Leave empty if you only want to filter using the categories above.


SHOW POST IN POPUP – Turning this option on will open the posts in a popup when clicked instead of linking directly to the blog post.

USE CUSTOM URLS – Turning this option on will change the URL that the post links to. Once turned on, a new Custom Field for URL input will appear below this option.

CUSTOM FIELD FOR URL – (USE CUSTOM URLS option must be turned on for this to appear) Here you can enter any custom field name. The URL value needs to be set in each post using the custom field you input here. If no value is set, defaults to post URL.

URL OPENS – Choose whether or not your link opens in a new window.

SHOW TITLE – Turn the post title on or off.

SHOW FEATURED IMAGE – This will turn thumbnails on and off.

OPEN IN LIGHTBOX – Turning this option on will open the featured image in a lightbox instead of linking directly to the blog post.

SHOW AUTHOR – Turn the author link on or off.

SHOW CATEGORIES – Turn the category links on or off.

SHOW DATE – Turn the date display on or off.

META DATE FORMAT – If you would like to adjust the date format, input the appropriate PHP date format here.

SHOW COMMENT COUNT – Turn comment count on and off.

SHOW CUSTOM FIELDS – Turning this option on will give you the option to display custom fields set in each post. Custom fields are shown below the image and post meta and above the post excerpt.

CUSTOM FIELD NAMES – (SHOW CUSTOM FIELDS option must be turned on for this to appear) Enter a single custom field name or a comma separated list of names. The same custom field names and values must be added to each post for them to display. Multiple custom fields with the same name are not supported. To display multiple values, add them to a single custom field either in a comma separated list. Custom field values can also contain HTML to support links, buttons, bullet lists, etc.

CUSTOM FIELD LABELS – (SHOW CUSTOM FIELDS option must be turned on for this to appear) Enter custom field label (can include a separator) or a comma separated list of labels in the same order as the names above. The number of labels must equal the number of names above, otherwise the name above will be used as the label for each custom field.

SHOW EXCERPT -Turn the excerpt display on or off.

EXCERPT LIMIT – (SHOW EXCERPT option must be turned on for this to appear) Enter number of characters to limit excerpt. If the post has an excerpt, this will be used in place of the truncated text from the post.

READ MORE BUTTON – Here you can define whether to show “read more” link after the excerpts or not.

READ MORE TEXT – Customize the text shown for read more link. Leaving this field blank will show “read more” by default.

SHOW PAGINATION – Enable or disable pagination for this feed.

PAGINATION OLDER TEXT – Customize the text shown for the older entries link. Leaving this field blank will show “Older Entries” by default.

PAGINATION NEXT TEXT – Customize the text shown for the next entries link. Leaving this field blank will show “Next Entries” by default.


GRID TILE BACKGROUND – (Layout option in the Design tab must be set to Grid for this option to appear). This will set the background color for the individual portfolio items.

BACKGROUND – This will set the background for the entire module.

The Design tab works exactly the same way as the default portfolio module that is included with Divi. The only exception is that we have added font control for the custom fields.

The Advanced tab works exactly the same way as the default portfolio module that is included with Divi. The only exception is that we have added CSS boxes for the custom fields.

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