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Related Posts Query

This document explains how to use the Related Posts query type available in the Content tab of the Divi FilterGrid plugin.

Once the Related Posts option is selected in the module’s Query Type select, the following options will become available:

  • Related Taxonomies – clicking on this input will display a popup window which will allow you to select one or more taxonomy. These are the taxonomies that will be used in the Taxonomy Relation field below. If no taxonomy is selected, the first registered taxonomy of the current post type will be used. If the post type of the current post does not have any registered taxonomies, all posts from the same post type will be displayed in the grid.
  • Taxonomy Relation – select the relation you would like to use to determine which posts are related to the current post.
    • Any terms in any taxonomies  – Display all posts that have a common term with the current post if that term is from any of the Related Taxonomies in the field above.
    • Any terms in all taxonomies  – Display all posts that have a common term with the current post if at least one term is common in all of the Related Taxonomies in the field above.
    • All terms in any taxonomies  – Display all posts that have a common term with the current post if all terms are common in any of the Related Taxonomies in the field above.
    • All terms in all taxonomies  – Display all posts that have a common term with the current post if all terms are common in all of the Related Taxonomies in the field above.

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