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Basic Query

This document explains how to use the Basic query type available in the Content tab of the Divi FilterGrid plugin.

The Basic query type is the default option selected when the module is added to a page. This is a very simple query that is limited to displaying posts in the grid and post categories in the filters. If you need to display a custom post type or a taxonomy other than the post category taxonomy, you’ll need to switch to the Advanced query type.

Once the Basic query type is selected, the Include Categories checkboxes will display all of the available categories from your site. To display posts from all categories in the grid and display all categories in the filters, leave all categories unchecked (default). Once any category is checked, only posts from the checked categories will be displayed in the grid and only checked categories will display in the filters.

There are several options available after choosing your post categories such as Posts Number, Offset Number, Order, Order By, etc. These options are limited compared to the Advanced query type.

The next set of options limited by the Basic query type is the Filters Options section. Since the filters are limited to post categories there is no MultiLevel Filters option. This option along with several others are only available in the Advanced query type.

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